Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.
Each page has seven lessons designed to do as a set. Use these as a guide or jump around as your interest dictates.
I love questions! Email me any time if you’re curious about what to do next.
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Random lesson: New for 2025!
Here you bend the spine to power the limbs. But it’s not the end that’s interesting, it’s what you learn along the way. This first lesson is for the right arm and it’s very slow. Don’t worry, you will discover the places where you get stuck. The best solution is to get out of your own way. Don’t try to think your way through. Let the movement “do you.” Amphibian lessons retrain how you can bend the spine, but they are also good for: swimming, surfing, ice skating, playing music, running, rock climbing, anyone with a scoliosis.
Limited-access plan
Human movement starter kit
Seven best series
A flexible low back
Happy hands and arms
Free your hips
Wake up your spine
Effortless posture
De-stress and calm
Unwind your neck and shoulders
Full subscription
Spine and pelvis
Hips and legs
Feet and ankles
Hands and arms
Upper back and shoulders
Jaw, eyes, and neck
Flexion and rolling
Extension and diagonals
Side bending and twisting
Skeletal life workshops
Graceful posture
Elegant expansion
Finding wholeness: The Five Lines
Trusting balance
Balance in standing
Finding the top of the hip
Standing up from a chair or the floor Centering for strength
Hoisting vs. levering
Calm and de-stress
Gentle pressing and rolling
The body pattern of anxiety: Breathing and tapping
19 short lessons to relieve tension
Moving out of pain: The higher ground lessons
16 effective, gentle lessons, a good starter practice.
Activities and functions
Touch toes, squat, straighten legs: Help for hamstrings
Run, walk, hike
Hands: Type, knit, play music
Lessons IN walking
Powerful legs for active people
How to sit up
Help for sitting cross-legged
Using motor imagery
Chair lessons
Movement basics in a chair
(ten 20-minute lessons)
Tips and tricks (5-15 minutes each)
Breathe and calm
Shoulders and neck
Help for sitting upright (in sitting)
Hips and low back
Spine and upper back
More spine and upper back
Jaw, neck, and eyes
Stand, walk, and balance
Tips for AM and PM
The Esalen workshop
Moshe’s 45-lesson overview
The ATM book:
Moshe’s Basic Series
Mia/Gaby twenty-lessons
A brilliant overview, a good place for beginners.
Longer series from trainings
Over 160 lessons from professional trainings.
Human movement starter kit (limited-access plan)
Seven best series—seven sets of seven (limited-access plan)
Anatomy (all-access plan)
Spine and pelvis
Gentle lessons for tender muscles and tired brains
85 Tilt knees, rotate spine, plunk pelvis, 26 min
86 Tilt knees, rotate spine, lengthen arms, 42 min
87 Tilt knees, rotate spine, fold chest and shoulders, 37 min
88 Slow spine like a chain with lots of sensing, 21 min
89 Dipping the hips with a rolled blanket, 30 min (part of the effortless posture lessons)
90 Soft spine, curling and uncurling, 43 min (AY524)
91 Tilt knees, roll chest and head, 24 min
Unlock your pelvis (includes clocks)
99 Pelvic clock #1, round and arch, 35 min
100 Pelvic clock softens the jaw, 27 min (back)
101 Tilt legs to come to side sit, 41 min
102 Roll the pelvis and soften the low back (knees out to side), 32 min
103 Not the usual pelvic clock, 34 min
104 Pelvic clock with wax, 40 min
105 Asymmetrical pelvic clock, 40 min
More pelvis and clock lessons (recorded later so out of numerical sequence)
576 Appropriate use of the abdomen with rolling pelvis, 42 min
577 Upper back clock, strong use of abdomen, 34 min
578 Low back clock, more practice with abdomen, 37 min
579 Pelvic clock in three positions, 38 min (AY376)
580 Clocks three ways with head and chin, 34 min
581 Zen sitting, clocks with head and nose, 38 min (AY98)
Hips and legs
Integrate your legs
113 Lengthen leg, roll chest, slide towards foot, 43 min
114 Painting the floor, articulating hip joints, 35 min (AY111)
115 Foot and hip discrimination, 30 min
116 Connect ankles to hips and low back, part 1, 28 min
117 Connect ankles to hips and low back, part 2, 29 min
118 Mobilize pelvis to carry the legs, 37 min
119 Twirling legs, 36 min, and part 2: More flexible than a child/Perfecting the self-image, 40 min
Gentle lessons for meditative hips
120 Hip and shoulder circles, 43 min
121 Magic back lesson, coordinate hips and shoulders, 37 min
122 Hip forward and backward with breath, 35 min
123 Press heavier side of pelvis, 27 min
124 Meditation on the left hip, 30 min
125 Rolling head, coordinating hips, 32 min
126 Rolling and floating, 41 min
Flexible ribs, flexible life
127 Hand to heel, lifting hip, sliding shoulders, 34 min
128 Gentle folding to multiply choices, 35 min
129 A study in shaping the chest with the breath, 38 min
130 Widening the chest, 33 min
131 Classical twist, part 1, 26 min (AY465)
132 Classical twist, part 2, 25 min
133 Side bend to release hips and soften the back, 26 min
Feet and ankles
Hands and arms
Upper back and shoulders
Release your jaw, eyes, and neck
Flexion and rolling
Extension and diagonals
Basic extension: Foundation of a strong back
323 Basic extension, 33 min
324 Variation on basic extension, 35 min
325 A flexible upper back, part 1, 28 min and part 2, 30 min
326 Slow tilting of right leg part 1, 29 min and part 2, both legs, 25 min
327 Bendy hips and spine, 41 min
328 Drumming the knees, 35 min
329 Arms frame head, 40 min
More extension for a strong and flexible back
330 Head and neck find power in the back, part 1, 26 min
331 Head and neck find power in the back, part 2, 24 min
332 Lift head with knee out to side, 38 min
333 Spiraling head on top of the spine, leaning on elbow like a baby, 33 min
334 Tilt legs to come to side sitting, 41 min
335 Pushing through toes to connect to the head, 38 min
336 Lifting the head on all fours, 31 min (AY57)
Side bending and twisting
More twisting
373 Reaching for heels, part 1, 25 min and part 2, 24 min (AY427)
374 Seesaw twisting with many chest expansions, 31 min (AY430)
375 Foot through the gap, fold toes and open hips, 40 min (AY431)
376 Gently twisting, version 1: Power from the center, 43 min (AY434)
version 2: With more power, 29 min
version 3: Clarifying the center, 36 min
377 Seesaw and push hip forward, 41 min
378 Reaching for foot behind, turn leg, 39 min (AY440)
379 Twist and oscillate, part 1, 23 min and part 2, 26 min (AY447)
More twisting 2
380 Gentle twisting with flexors and extensors, 40 min
Coming soon: 381-386
Skeletal life workshops
582 Hopping #1, 35 min (prep for AY283)
Coming soon: 583-589. These are out of sequence as they will be recorded later.
Calm and de-stress
19 tips and lessons for reducing tension.
These do not follow the regular numerical sequence as they were put together during the pandemic.
Read: Zoe’s note on moving out of pain.
Chair lessons
This space populated soon with amazing lengthening lessons!
Zoe's Tips and Tricks
Short movements around 5-15 minutes each.
Breathe and calm, 7 tips
Shoulders, neck, and jaw, 12 tips
Easy upright sitting, 9 tips
Hips and low back, 9 tips
Spine and upper back, 7 tips
More spine and upper back, 6 tips
Stand, walk, and balance, 10 tips
Schedule for AM and PM: Reduce stiffness, unwind, stay mobile
Esalen workshop (45 lessons)
This special section is not part of the main index. It is numbered according to the Esalen workshop list.
The ATM book lessons
20 lessons from Mia/Gaby
Longer series from trainings (162 lessons)
This special section is not part of the main index. Each series is numbered independently.
About these lessons
Amphibian lessons - 7
Arms integrate on stomach - 8
Bell Hand - 7
Book on the foot - 7
Bridging - 7 (AY438, AY439)
Circling head - 11 (coming soon!)
Dead bird (eyes, neck) - 4
Five lines - 11
Four points - 4 (AY423, AY16, AY321)
Gluing the lungs - 4
Grasping the chin - 4
Headstand and falling - 7
Highest point of the hip - 7
Hooking the big toe - 7
Hurdle lessons (scissoring legs) - 3
Judo roll - 7
Leg over to stand - 4
Leg swing and footprint - 9
Pelvic clock - 8
Pretzel legs - 7
Reaching like a skeleton - 4
Rhythmical breathing - 5
Sawing arms - 10
Sitting on heels - 6
Splits - 4 (AY211, AY212)