more twisting 2 — Feldenkrais lessons online

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380 Gentle twisting with flexors and extensors, sink knees to side, 40 min (back)

A super yummy lesson with slow tracking through the spine. This lesson teaches you to allow movement, not to force, push, strain, or stretch. Discover how reorganizing the relationships changes the ease, range, and connection.

This can result in one of those lovely “Feldenkrais stoned” feelings afterward. See how it affects you, and practice being with yourself in this moment and let the lesson “do you.”

A version of flexors and extensors.

Variations on flexors and extensors in the Treasury:
76 & 77 Coordinating flexors and extensors
87 Tilt knees, rotate spine, fold chest
91 Tilt knees, roll chest and head

211 Eyes, neck, arms, triangle
3 Tilt the legs and free the neck (Esalen version)
43 Tilt knees, lengthen arms

Lessons 381-386 coming soon.