Wake up your spine

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Start by testing how you bend the spine on the side. Then, on the back you will roll up the spine many ways, helping your feet connect fully to the floor and lift the pelvis in the most efficient way. The softness of rolling up the spine helps facilitate smooth bending, which you check at the end again. The reference movement for this lesson is so dramatically different by the end it’s amazing. It’s one of those “wow” lessons, as my friend says. This lesson invites such flexibility in the spine that I feel longer and taller every time I do it.

For more like this, see:
88 Spine like a chain with lots of sensing
214 Spine like a chain
71 Spine like a chain with diagonal reaching
98 Spine like a chain, roll up from bottom and down from top

Yes, this lesson is the rare one that’s a little longer, so take a break in the middle if you need—although you might find the time flies by as you’re paying attention to all the new sensations.

Unwinding the spine like this creates enormous length as a spiral is the most efficient form of movement. It’s like wringing out all the tension.

Be sure to move within your range of comfort, no matter what!

Good for lengthening, balance, and feeling upright. This lesson turns the spine from above and then from below, unraveling all the tension of the day. You’ll feel refreshed and relaxed.

Tip: As with all lessons, some variations may not be right for you at this moment. Be mindful of this, and don’t worry as there are so many variations you are not losing the lesson! Just keep going. You can always modify a movement so it works for you, do less, rest, or imagine it.

For more head turning, see:
13 Freedom of the head (Esalen version; this is more challenging but informative about the relative freedom of your neck)

For more hugging and rolling, see:
217 Roll chest, point elbows, lengthen spine


Another lesson I often give to my students so they can start to feel how the middle drives the extremities. The waking up of the middle of the spine can be such new, joyous information.

For another lesson on a flexible spine, see 312 How to roll to the side #2

I’ve seen people’s eyes almost pop out of their head when they feel it! (AY524)

Babies roll over. Adults do not. At least, not usually! This lesson brings back the lovely sense of weight shift we all had as babies when our spines were super flexible. Slow, small, gentle movements grow into a larger whole. It’s pretty fun.

This lesson is a detailed preparation for the baby roll.

For more baby roll and counterbalance lessons, see Counterbalance 1 & 2.

This asks you to fold the spine and ribs to access the hips. The movements are set up so you feel what you need to feel spontaneously—without trying hard, just by virtue of the position you’re in. The spine will feel long, tall, and flexible after this!

It's a good party trick lesson, if you have the kind of parties where you get on the floor and show off your hips and spine! (I know I do.)

TIP: If you find this hip movement challenging, do a basic flexion lesson to prep your spine, then come back to it.

(SF evening classes, More flexible than a child)

This lesson starts with a reference of lengthening the arms. Sounds simple, but as you continue to play, notice how much this reference changes by the end. It's another “ah-ha!” lesson.

You'll find that waking up the mid-back allows the ribs to talk to the spine. Plus, you will love a back that feels alive and responsive. For best results, go slowly and delicately, letting the lesson “do you.”

“”We want to be ourselves, but act in a way so that our life is comfortable. We want to feel it is easy to do, then bring it to a state of elegance and aesthetic satisfaction.””
— Moshe Feldenkrais

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